Endurance Coaching



The Why?

The ability to endure, is a respectable quality! To succeed in the endurance sports, requires work, there is no hiding from it, no short cuts, just well planned accumulation of work over time. But it is a complex process. I have coached professionals and my journey has taught me how complex the process is to tolerate, sustain and perform volumes of endurance work. But one worth pursing in order to get the health, longevity, reduced mortality and of course endurance benefits. So, to avoid the many and varied pitfalls associated, I have created the Endurance Coaching Service.

How it Works.
A coaching service for the highly motivated endurance athlete. After obtaining some background information, reviewing previous training histories, results, GPS files, perceived problems and talking about goal events, the coaching fee of $20 per week/$80 per month, will then entail, an agile approach to coaching. After an initial plan and overview to your event, submitting your day to day electronic training files (GPS and Heart Rate) and receive session to session contact, short communications around reviewing, tracking and planning subsequent sessions, therefore systematically evolving the plan to build resiliency, accumulate more work and ultimately, perform better.
This agile approach to coaching and training allows solving problems, as they arise, changing training directions as needed, and each physical and physiological capacity to be improved upon, session to session. This service ultimately aims to give the runner confidence that they are getting the most out of each training session and understand what may be happening in terms of adaptation and the context of their program, goals and life circumstances. 
Geared for endurance athletes who love,  training and metrics, as much as I do!
“I don’t just write your program, I coach you through the program”.
Endurance Coaching client, Nigell Lee taking out first place at the 2022 Truth & Consequences 25km Trail Race.